Operating System Administration
Improve your performance and lower your costs with operating system administration services from Cornerstone. With proactive event detection, daily diagnostics, backup services and system monitoring, we’ll improve your data availability and minimize downtime.
Cornerstone offers administration services for AIX, Solaris, Linux and Windows operating systems. By outsourcing your operating system administration to Cornerstone, you’ll have all the advantages of a highly trained, efficient and responsive staff for a fraction of the overhead cost.
Our Operating System Administration services include:
- On Site or Remote System Administration
- AIX, IBM pSeries, and xSeries systems
- HACMP Monitoring
- Operating System Installation and Configuration
- Upgrades
- Apply Patches
- Manage Operating System Security
- Security Implementation and Enhancement
- HPUX Trusted Systems Implementation
- IP Wrappers
- Ownership and Permissions Settings
- Operating System Tuning
- Operating System/Kernel Analysis and Tuning
- User Management
- Add / Delete Users and Groups
- Support Contact with Vendors
- Trouble Ticket Management
- Trouble Ticket Resolution
- Disk Space Management
- Disk IO Monitor
- File System Utilization Management
- Disk Subsystem Management / Installation/ Configuration
- Proactive Monitoring
- Monitor Hardware and Operating System
- System Backups
- Backup and Restore Operations
- Third Party Tools – Tivoli , Veritas
- Maintaining Peripheral Devices
- Add / Remove Devices
- Device Driver Installation and Configuration
- Network Configuration
- DNS Configuration
- NIS and NIS+ Configuration
- Network Card Configuration